
The Different Types of Asphalt Shingles

A majority of homes today have roofs with asphalt shingles because they’re one of the least expensive options and are easy to install. There are three major types of asphalt shingles that have a variety of unique benefits. Rely on a local roof repair company like C & C Family Roofing to help you determine the best type for your home.

Strip Shingles

This type of roofing is also commonly referred to as 3-tab shingles or strips. They’re the original design of asphalt shingles, typically made from a singular flat layer. They cost less than the other varieties and don’t weigh as much. This is the perfect option for homeowners who may already use strip shingles or who are looking for a sturdy, inexpensive option that won’t put too much weight on an older home.

Dimensional Shingles

This type of shingle is also called laminate or architectural shingles. This is a commonly used type of asphalt shingle that utilizes two or more layers of fused asphalt to create a thicker and more appealing surface. Dimensional shingles are designed to imitate the look of natural wood or slate roofs. This type of asphalt shingle is a little heavier than strip shingles but typically looks better and creates a more pleasing roof. Homeowners should consider this option if they want an attractive and sturdy roof that isn’t overly luxurious. 

Luxury Shingles

Luxury shingles offer the best quality and protection compared to other types of asphalt shingles. Luxury shingles give your home excellent protection from the weather and have a variety of enchanting appearance options. They’re made with premium products and give the home an elevated and stunning finish. A local roof repair company can appraise a home to determine if it can safely hold the weight of luxury shingles.

Benefits of Asphalt Roofing

A roof should be regularly maintained to ensure there are no loose shingles are rotted wood. Many homeowners decide to change their roofs when their old shingles begin to fail and patches aren’t enough. Asphalt shingles are an excellent choice for many homes, providing a clean, modern look that holds up in even the worst weather conditions. These shingles resist changing colors due to mold growth, can hold out against thundering rain or hail and resist the constant pressure of the sun’s heat. 

Asphalt shingles are fire-resistant and can help your insurance costs depending on your location and regular weather. Every homeowner can find a type of asphalt shingle that suits their needs and aesthetic preferences. Decide on a protective option like dimensional shingles that keep your home thoroughly protected over the years or add a new level of elegance with luxury shingles. Work with a local roof repair company to determine the best roofing option available. 

Contact a Professional

Rely on a professional to help you make informed roofing choices that benefit your home and family. Call C & C Family Roofing now for expert help and service.