
Category: Gutters

How to Prevent Ice Dams

Roofers in Bucks County know that while we all want to save on our heating and air conditioning bills, having ice dams can lead to other problems. Ice dams are a build-up of water that forms under the roof and cannot get out due to lower temperatures. Ice dams can cause damage, mold, and structural problems with your roof over time. The good news is there are ways of preventing building ice dams before they happen, so you’re not scrambling to fix them after they do! 

Check your insulation quality

The first thing you’ll want to do is check your insulation quality. If your insulation levels are too low and the wall cavities aren’t properly insulated, some water will condense inside the walls, leading to ice dams. 

Ensure your roofing system is in a great condition

The second thing you’ll want to ensure is that your roofing system is in great condition. Old, damaged, and leaky roofs (also called “in-need” roofs) are the perfect breeding grounds for ice dams. Many roofs are either not pointing into the sun or are made of tar paper, allowing water to seep in from surrounding areas and get trapped under the shingles. 

Ensure a good air circulation system

The next thing you’ll want to do is look at your air circulation system. Warm air rises and cold air sinks, so if you have poor ventilation inside your home or crawlspace or lack sufficient heat flow coming into your attic area, it can still get cold enough in the attic to be able to create ice dams. 

Roof cleaning and repair before the winter rolls

Finally, a significant portion of having ice dams removed through roof repair and ice dam removal is properly cleaning and inspecting your roof before winter rolls around again. If you’ve never inspected your roof for issues before (eavestrough, damaged shingles, etc.), then you’ll want to call a proper roofer and inspect it from top to bottom before the first snowfall hits. Always inspect your roof before the first snowfall because it’s easier to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of winter than to look through your attic or crawlspace and find out what kind of damage has already been done.

Roofers in Bucks county are able to answer any questions you may have about ice dams and how to prevent them from once again becoming a problem. Houses in Bucks County, PA, are unique in traveling and living. It’s no wonder why so many unique individuals come from here. We’re known for being liberal and welcoming, and therefore that carries over to the people who come to Bucks County, PA, for different reasons. When you hear about ice dams, you’ll want to think about how different people have different needs, and that is why there are so many different ways you can prevent ice dams.

The good news is there are different ways of preventing building ice dams. In case of an ice dam, do not hesitate to call our roofers in Bucks County.

Clean Gutters Are Essential for the Health of Your Home

Your home’s drainage system, including the gutters and downspouts, are one of the most important features of your home. Without a properly functioning gutter system, your home would be at risk for significant water damage. During rainstorms or after the snow melts, the roof of your home will need to shed off several hundred gallons of water and the gutters are the main source for channeling the runoff safely away from your home. A properly functioning gutter system isn’t only important for preventing damage to the roof, but to the foundation and everything in between as well. One of the most important things you can do to ensure your home’s gutter system is functioning like it’s supposed to, is to keep the gutters and downspouts clean. Here are just a few of reasons why clean gutters are essential for the health of your home.

Ice Dams

If winter arrives before the gutters have been cleaned, it can lead to ice dams. An ice dam occurs because as the snow melts, it runs off into the gutters, but if the gutters are clogged, the water has nowhere to go, so it refreezes in the gutters, creating a dam. As the water continues to run off of the roof and into the gutter, it’s unable to drain, so it will begin to back up and/or flow over the gutter. If the water backs up onto the roof, it can cause significant damage to the roofing system, resulting in leaks and if it flows over the edge of the gutter, it will go directly into the foundation of your home. The best way to prevent the risk of ice dams and the damage they cause is to contact Bucks County roofers to ensure the gutters and downspouts are cleaned each fall.

Algae Growth

One of the most common problems that Bucks County roofers encounter as a result of clogged gutters is the growth of algae, moss and mildew on the roofing system. When gutters are clogged it causes the water and moisture to become trapped, encourage the growth of bacteria and other micro-organisms. Not does the growth of algae, moss and mildew create an unattractive look to your home, but they can also cause significant damage to the structure of your home.

Prevents Insect Infestations

An accumulation of water in one area for a long period of time encourages insects, especially mosquitoes, to take up residence in the area. A gutter system with stagnant water is a haven for mosquitoes and other insects to breed and before you know it, the exterior as well as the interior of your home may be infested with insects. The best way to prevent an insect infestation is to hire Bucks County roofers to clean the leaves, tree branches and other debris from the gutters on a regular basis.

Ice Dams

Algae Growth

One of the most common problems that Bucks County roofers encounter as a result of clogged gutters is the growth of algae, moss and mildew on the roofing system. When gutters are clogged it causes the water and moisture to become trapped, encourage the growth of bacteria and other micro-organisms. Not does the growth of algae, moss and mildew create an unattractive look to your home, but they can also cause significant damage to the structure of your home.

Prevents Insect Infestations

Cleaning the gutters isn’t typically a pleasant task, but it is an essential task. If you are uncomfortable with heights or climbing a ladder to clean to the gutters, you’re not alone. In fact, most people that aren’t familiar with working n this type of environment feel the same way. Falls from roofs and ladders are actually one of the most common types of injuries that occur around the home. For your safety, it is best to hire a professional, such as Bucks County roofers to inspect the roof and clean the gutters to prevent the risk of an injury and to insure your home is protected against potential damage from clogged gutters.

Get Your Estimate Today from our certified expert Roofing, Siding & Gutter Contractors!