

The Different Types of Asphalt Shingles

A majority of homes today have roofs with asphalt shingles because they’re one of the least expensive options and are easy to install. There are three major types of asphalt shingles that have a variety of unique benefits. Rely on a local roof repair company like C & C Family Roofing to help you determine the best type for your home.

Strip Shingles

This type of roofing is also commonly referred to as 3-tab shingles or strips. They’re the original design of asphalt shingles, typically made from a singular flat layer. They cost less than the other varieties and don’t weigh as much. This is the perfect option for homeowners who may already use strip shingles or who are looking for a sturdy, inexpensive option that won’t put too much weight on an older home.

Dimensional Shingles

This type of shingle is also called laminate or architectural shingles. This is a commonly used type of asphalt shingle that utilizes two or more layers of fused asphalt to create a thicker and more appealing surface. Dimensional shingles are designed to imitate the look of natural wood or slate roofs. This type of asphalt shingle is a little heavier than strip shingles but typically looks better and creates a more pleasing roof. Homeowners should consider this option if they want an attractive and sturdy roof that isn’t overly luxurious. 

Luxury Shingles

Luxury shingles offer the best quality and protection compared to other types of asphalt shingles. Luxury shingles give your home excellent protection from the weather and have a variety of enchanting appearance options. They’re made with premium products and give the home an elevated and stunning finish. A local roof repair company can appraise a home to determine if it can safely hold the weight of luxury shingles.

Benefits of Asphalt Roofing

A roof should be regularly maintained to ensure there are no loose shingles are rotted wood. Many homeowners decide to change their roofs when their old shingles begin to fail and patches aren’t enough. Asphalt shingles are an excellent choice for many homes, providing a clean, modern look that holds up in even the worst weather conditions. These shingles resist changing colors due to mold growth, can hold out against thundering rain or hail and resist the constant pressure of the sun’s heat. 

Asphalt shingles are fire-resistant and can help your insurance costs depending on your location and regular weather. Every homeowner can find a type of asphalt shingle that suits their needs and aesthetic preferences. Decide on a protective option like dimensional shingles that keep your home thoroughly protected over the years or add a new level of elegance with luxury shingles. Work with a local roof repair company to determine the best roofing option available. 

Contact a Professional

Rely on a professional to help you make informed roofing choices that benefit your home and family. Call C & C Family Roofing now for expert help and service.

What is the Difference Between Wood Shakes and Wood Shingles?

As humanity advances toward a high-tech future, many desire a simpler era for their roofing. Using wood shingles or wood shakes is a great way to add a natural touch to your home. Furthermore, they showcase an incredible effect. Wooden shingles and shakes are elegant and rustic, but their natural aesthetic is tasteful and elegant. Therefore, wood shakes offer a rugged look, each unique. Each shake is divided with a froe hammer.

In contrast, wood shingles are sleek and consistent. They are sawn on both sides and tapered using a machine. We offer impeccable services as the best roofers in Bucks County. Read on to comprehend the difference between wood shakes and wood shingles.


It’s simpler to install wooden shingles. They are flat on both sides, so they lie flush on the roof and neatly overlap shingles for a good seal. On the other hand, Wooden shakes have thicker butt ends, and their uneven surfaces prevent neat stacking. This exposes the shakers to wind-driven precipitation and debris. For the best roofers in Bucks County, our installers position layers of felt between each row of shakes to prevent water and waste, complicating installation.


Wood shakes have a thick textured look that provides a roof depth and character. The splitting process creates various grain patterns, ridges, and grooves. Moreover, wood shakes have a rough appearance, with each piece being unique. Wood shingles are smoother and flatter than asphalt shingles. In contrast, Wood shingles are popular as external siding because of their attractive homogeneous look. Weathered wood shingles are incredibly distinctive and gorgeous!

 Cost Variations

Irrespective of whether you choose shingles or shakes, the species, quality of cut, and treatments will affect cost. Shakes are often more costly than shingles. This is because they are thicker, require more material, and are more difficult for a roofing contractor to install. The complexity and pitch of your roof constitute typical cost concerns for roof replacement. A steeply sloping multi-story structure with chimneys and skylights will cost more than a simple one-story building.


A wood roof’s insulation, protection, and endurance depend on characteristics, including tree type, wood quality, and area climate. Wood shingles are thinner and less insulating than wood shakes. Cedar shingles may last 30 years or more when properly maintained, and cedar shakes between 40 and 50 years.

A roof’s performance is determined by the quality of its installation, not the materials used. Wooden shakes need felt interlayment between rows, making installation more difficult. Exposed felt will collect water after rain and hinder shakes from drying, while too little will not protect your roof from infiltration. The installer’s skill is more critical than shingles with a wooden shake roof since mistakes might be made.

Bottom line

 For many homeowners, the attractiveness of wood more than compensates for the disadvantages. If this mindset resonates with you, partner with us the best roofers in Bucks County reputable installers to extend the life of your wood roof’s enhancement. Call us today for your roofing services.

How to Prevent Ice Dams

Roofers in Bucks County know that while we all want to save on our heating and air conditioning bills, having ice dams can lead to other problems. Ice dams are a build-up of water that forms under the roof and cannot get out due to lower temperatures. Ice dams can cause damage, mold, and structural problems with your roof over time. The good news is there are ways of preventing building ice dams before they happen, so you’re not scrambling to fix them after they do! 

Check your insulation quality

The first thing you’ll want to do is check your insulation quality. If your insulation levels are too low and the wall cavities aren’t properly insulated, some water will condense inside the walls, leading to ice dams. 

Ensure your roofing system is in a great condition

The second thing you’ll want to ensure is that your roofing system is in great condition. Old, damaged, and leaky roofs (also called “in-need” roofs) are the perfect breeding grounds for ice dams. Many roofs are either not pointing into the sun or are made of tar paper, allowing water to seep in from surrounding areas and get trapped under the shingles. 

Ensure a good air circulation system

The next thing you’ll want to do is look at your air circulation system. Warm air rises and cold air sinks, so if you have poor ventilation inside your home or crawlspace or lack sufficient heat flow coming into your attic area, it can still get cold enough in the attic to be able to create ice dams. 

Roof cleaning and repair before the winter rolls

Finally, a significant portion of having ice dams removed through roof repair and ice dam removal is properly cleaning and inspecting your roof before winter rolls around again. If you’ve never inspected your roof for issues before (eavestrough, damaged shingles, etc.), then you’ll want to call a proper roofer and inspect it from top to bottom before the first snowfall hits. Always inspect your roof before the first snowfall because it’s easier to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of winter than to look through your attic or crawlspace and find out what kind of damage has already been done.

Roofers in Bucks county are able to answer any questions you may have about ice dams and how to prevent them from once again becoming a problem. Houses in Bucks County, PA, are unique in traveling and living. It’s no wonder why so many unique individuals come from here. We’re known for being liberal and welcoming, and therefore that carries over to the people who come to Bucks County, PA, for different reasons. When you hear about ice dams, you’ll want to think about how different people have different needs, and that is why there are so many different ways you can prevent ice dams.

The good news is there are different ways of preventing building ice dams. In case of an ice dam, do not hesitate to call our roofers in Bucks County.

Does Your Roof Need Help? Signs You Need a New Roof Soon

Many homeowners dread roof replacement and the associated costs. Some companies will perform roof overlays, but it’s best to get your roof fully removed and replaced if you’re experiencing significant problems. While a few broken shingles don’t necessarily warrant a new roof, the more of these issues you notice, the more likely a roof replacement is in your near future.

Moss or Algae Growth
Green growth on your roof may look natural and inconsequential, but it’s actually a sign of a much deeper issue. Roofs that have darkly outlined shingles are harboring algae. This indicates moisture. Visible moss growing along the perimeter is another sign your roof is wetter than it should be.

Leaking/Ceiling Stains
A more obvious sign you’ll have trouble ignoring is leaks. Leaks may be clearly dripping through, or you may notice a faint stain on your ceiling.

Another troubling sign is when your roof begins to slope or buckle in certain spots. Healthy roofs look even and straight from corner to corner. If a roofer examines your roof, they shouldn’t feel any sinking or ‘bounce’ as they walk across it. If they do, it’s a sign of water damage.

Shingles Falling Off
Sometimes shingle breakage or slipping is simply an indicator that your roof needs a quick patch job. But if your roof is older with many shingles loosening, this is typically a sign that a roof replacement is imminent.

Curling Shingles
Curling shingles are another sign of moisture buildup and poor ventilation. Stand outside in a spot where you can get the best view of your roof. See how many curling shingles you can spot. One or two may not be a big issue, but several curling shingles suggest that your roof is aging.

Damaged Flashing
If you look at your roof, you may notice thin metal strips strategically placed in certain areas. This is your flashing, and it exists to prevent water damage in vulnerable spots. Damaged flashing will look messy, eroded, or loose. Healthy flashing will appear sturdy and closely sealed to your roof.

Your Roof is 20+ Years Old
Of course, age is the best indicator of when your roof needs to be replaced. If you have a typical asphalt roof, it’s likely to last around 20 to 25 years. Other materials like wood, clay, or slate will last significantly longer.

Putting off a roof replacement isn’t wise, as it can lead the deeper layers of your roof to become damaged, costing you more in the long run. Instead of pushing your roof to its limit and ignoring signs of wear, invest in a roof replacement now and save your home from more extensive repairs.

Getting Ready to Replace Your Roof?
Your roof keeps your family safe, and new roof installations need to be done by trained professionals.

C&C Family Roofing and Siding has served Pennsylvania & New Jersey for over 25 years. If you have questions about roof replacement costs or want to learn more about residential or commercial roofing, we’re here to help.

Why Choose a Family-owned Roofing Company

Family-owned C&C Family Roofing has served Pennsylvania and New Jersey communities for over 25 years. Our company is dedicated to serving each customer with the highest level of service and professionalism. If you need a qualified top roofer near me, C&C Family Roofing is among the best.

Our President/Owner Gary Selleck has over 40 years of roofing and siding experience. We have a team of hard-working team of professionals who are committed to providing fast service and competitive prices. C&C Family Roofing has won many awards including the Angie’s List Super Service Award, the Best of the Best Award, and the President’s Club Award.

A leaky roof is one of the most common problems homeowners experience. Roof leaks can have long-standing effects on a home. Not only does it weaken the roof, but it can also set up mold, rust, and provide an entryway for bugs and rodents. Our technicians have the knowledge and experience to fix the problem and prevent leaks from reoccurring. Roof leaks can range from minor to major. It’s best to catch the leak in its early stages before it becomes a big and expensive problem.

Why Choose C&C Roofing?

  • We are an established company in the Pennsylvania and New Jersey areas
  • We are a family-owned company with over 25 years of experience
  • We offer lifetime warranties on our work
  • We have a team of highly trained technicians

C&C Family Roofing will determine the best option for you during the inspection. There are times when you may need a repair, or you may need a new roof. This can be determined by the level of damage. What may start out as a few hundreds of dollars can easily turn into thousands. Therefore, it is best to catch issues as early as possible. If I need a top roofer near me, they are just a phone call away.

Don’t let just anyone work on your roof. Our professionals are fully certified, knowledgeable, and experienced. We answer calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We also have emergency services.

When people go on Craigslist and Google for roofers, they often search for a top roofer near me. We have several locations and cities. If you need an expert team of roofing professionals, call on C&C Family Roofing today for a free estimate.

How to Prevent Roof Damages All Year Long

The home’s roof protects the interior from weather elements, wind, and other dangers. It’s strong and built to last, offering at least 20-years of home protection in most cases. However, the roof needs proper care or problems that may impact its lifetime and your wallet. Heed the advice of the top roofer in Delaware County and protect your roof with the following helpful tips.

Clean the Gutters

Clean the gutters at least twice per year. Some gutters may require more frequent cleanings. Consider using gutter guards for added protection. The gutter system helps collect water and move it away from the home, protecting the foundation. If the gutters are not cleaned, leaves, dirt, and other debris cause clogs that cause water pooling. This leads to various types of roofing damages.

Inspect the Roof

As a general rule, schedule two professional roof inspections per year. Roofers know what to look for during an inspection and give it an up-close and personal view that reveals even small signs of damage. Two inspections each year keep the roof in good condition and saves money since it reduces the risk of severe roof damage. Schedule a roof inspection with our top roofer in Delaware County and you’ll sleep with confidence and assurance each night.

Landscaping 101

Now there are more reasons to concentrate on the upkeep of the home’s exterior. Did you know that properly landscaped homes reduce the risk of roof damage? Trim trees to reduce the risk of damage to the roof after strong winds, storms, or other weather mishaps. Make sure trees, shrubbery, and other greeny sit at least 5-foot away from the home since this can lead to foundation damage. As a bonus, great landscaping adds curb appeal to the property.

Ventilate the Roof

Properly ventilating the roof reduces attic condensation that can lead to mold growth and many other types of damage. Venting the roof also minimizes ice dams. An ice dam is a type of ridge that forms when snow begins melting from the roof. The right prevents snow from draining off the roof. The water buildup can back up into the home and may also cause many problems to the roof. Vent the roof with exhaust fans or other equipment for greater wintertime protection.

The above tips help keep your roof in tip-top shape all year long. Need more roofing help? Call our top roofer in Delaware County at once!

Can I Install a New Roof on My Home During the Winter?

Winter is not the typical season most homeowners consider roof replacement, although many concerns can change that at any time. That leaves homeowners wondering if the frigid temperatures and haphazard winter weather allows the opportunity for the top roofer in Bucks County to correctly install a new roof on their home?

Schedule roof replacement during the spring or fall when possible. Although roofers are busier during these seasons, the roofing job is easier and done in a fraction of the time with fewer concerns along the way. Summer weather suits roof installation, although extreme heat may disrupt the job.

Winter roof installation is sometimes possible, depending on the temperatures outside and the chosen roofing material. Our top roofing company in Bucks County always work for our customer’s beset interest and will, when possible, install a new roof any time of the year. Even when the other guys cannot get the job done, our top roofers in Bucks County come to the rescue.

Asphalt Shingles

The most popular roofing material across the U.S., asphalt shingles offer complete protection against the elements, including strong winds and storms. But installation may not be suitable during the winter, depending on the temperatures. In cold weather, asphalt shingles become brittle and are hard to work with. Install asphalt shingles when outside temperatures reach this temperature or higher to the shingles maintain elasticity and properly form a seal.

Clay & Concrete Tile

Clay and concrete tile roofing come in tons of colors and profiles suitable to every homeowner. Each tile material is durable and long-lasting, although more expensive than asphalt shingles. Homeowners that want clay or concrete tile roofing can install it during the winter if they so choose. The material elasticity and durability make it the perfect year-round material that homeowners can trust to protect their home.

EPDM/Flat Roofing

Some flat roofing is suitable for year-round installation, like TPO. However, this does not ring true for all types of flat roofing, like the popular EPDM. This roofing material has similar qualities to asphalt shingles and becomes brittle and dry in cold conditions, so it fails to seal. If you need flat roof installation during the winter, your choices are limited.

Need winter roof installation? Call our top roofers in Bucks County to request your free quote or to request further information about our services.

How to Hire a Roof Repair Company

Are you looking for a roofing company serving Montgomery County? Roofing contractors are the most reliable way to get the work done that you need, whether it is in a residential or commercial setting. By using them, you can rest assured that their work will be done quickly and effectively, and they can also handle all of the problems that come along with the roofing process.

To find a roofing company serving Montgomery County, all that you need to do is start your search online. Many companies will have their own websites that they use for marketing purposes, and you can simply visit their sites to find out more about them. You may even want to contact the companies that you find through online research and ask questions. This will allow you to get a better idea of how these contractors do business, and how their service actually matches up to your expectations.

The best roof repair company is one that is both honest and efficient. They should be able to give you estimates that will be based on the type of work you have in mind. If a company is not listed on the web, you should feel free to call their phone number and ask them if they have any recommendations. The bottom line is that you want someone who is honest and efficient, and who can provide you with a solid estimate.

Another aspect of hiring a roofing company serving Montgomery County is that they should know the ins and outs of their own business. They should be able to answer any questions you may have and provide you with accurate information about their own services. If they have any complaints from their clients, they should be willing to tell you about them in detail. If they refuse to do so, they should be able to provide you with an explanation why they are refusing.

When you know exactly what services you need, you are much more likely to find the right roof repair company for your needs. If you choose a company wisely, you can get a good estimate that you can easily afford, and that they can make sure is done right. If you choose a company poorly, you might wind up spending more money than necessary and getting less than what you expected in the long run. You may even end up having to pay a lot more than what you’d originally thought, depending on how poorly they performed.

At the end of the day, if you’re looking for honesty, quality, and efficiency, C&C Roofing and Siding is what you’re looking for. We have been serving Montgomery County for over 25 years. Our awards and customer reviews speak for themselves. Start your search with us and find all the qualities you’re looking for in a roofing company serving Montgomery County!

Call today for a free quote or consultation!

Do You Need Roof Repair Services?

If you’re looking for roof repair, look no further. We are the best roofing company serving Philadelphia County and the surrounding area. We are a certified company with GAF/ELK certification. Whether you need commercial or residential roof repair, we are certified in all aspects to provide quality services to our clients. Highlighted is more information on why you should choose us.

1. Experience

We have been in the roofing industry for more than 25 years. You can be assured we have vast knowledge and skills about the roofing systems. We take less time during our inspection because we understand the problems that roofing systems experience and provide solutions. We can meet all your roofing needs for both commercial and residential.

2. Professional contractors

Our roofing company serving Philadelphia County has professional roofing contractors. Our legit license shows that we comply with the building codes to build our clients’ confidence in the services we offer.

3. Insured

We are an insured company. You can have peace of mind when working with us because you will not be liable for any compensation in damage or injury during the project. We have documents and certifications to show the validity of our insurance coverage. You can also contact our insurance company to verify our insurance.

4. Consultation

Before we put our hands on your project, we inspect the underlying issues to know what is expected of Us. The process helps us to give you a written estimate that is factual. Our roofing company serving Philadelphia County offers free consultation and quotes.

5. Location

Our location makes us the best company to work with. We can quickly respond to your urgent roofing needs. You don’t need to pay the transportation cost because of our proximity.

6. Communication

Our customer service staff are always ready to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. By filling the contact form, our team will immediately get back to you to ensure you are 100% satisfied. When you give us a project, we communicate about all the details and its completion supplies.

7. On-time delivery

You can visit our website to see our customers’ reviews and satisfaction concerning the services we deliver. One of the things that our customers are happy about is the on-time delivery feature of our company. We provide services as promised.

8. Quality Material

We don’t compromise on quality to ensure our customers have received the best. We use premium roofing materials to serve you for a long time without breaking down.

9. Warranty

We provide our clients with lifetime warranties to guarantee them of our non-negotiable quality services. We also offer repair services whenever your roofs have an issue that needs to be addressed.

Apart from offering roofing services, we offer siding, gutter, and window services. Contact us today to learn more about our services and bookings.

5 Benefits of Having Your Roof Replaced

The roof is one of the most important parts of your house. It protects you from the weather, helps regulate your home’s temperature, and keeps bird poop off of your furniture. Once your roof begins to advance in age, many problems could potentially start to arise. If your roof has been seriously damaged or is beginning to show its age, then this is a perfect opportunity for you to replace it and invest in a new roof. Here are five benefits of having your roof replaced by a roofing company serving Chester County. 

It’s a Quality Investment

To start this list off, one of the best reasons you should consider investing in a replacement roof is that it is a quality investment that has a high ROI, which stands for return on investment. Buying a brand new roof can be expensive, but having a high ROI means that you will be able to get a lot of that money back in the long run. A new roof is very valuable so if you decide to sell your home in the future, It will greatly increase the overall price of your home. 

You’ll Be Keeping Your Family Safe

Another great reason why purchasing a new roof could be very beneficial is that it will ensure your family’s safety. If your roof is old or damaged, its resistance to rain will be lessened and could potentially allow water to leak inside of your home. This could cause property damage as well as causing mold and mildew to form which would taint the air quality of your household. 

It’ll Save You Money 

Investing in a brand new roof will not only keep your family safe, but it could also save you money on your bills. A roof that’s old and damaged will not be able to insulate your home as well as it used to, which will affect the temperature regulation inside. This means that your air conditioning unit will have to work harder to keep your home at a comfortable temperature, increasing your monthly energy bill. 

It’ll Give Your Home a Makeover

One more reason to contact a roofing company serving Chester County to replace your roof is that it will give your home the stylish makeover that it has been yearning for. An old roof is not only less functional, but it can also look beaten up and discolored. You may not notice it because you spend most of your time inside, but there’s a high probability that it could catch the attention of your neighbors and people walking by. Installing a new roof will give your home a whole new look and make your house the star of the neighborhood. 

Contact Professional Roofers 

If your roof is old and damaged, don’t hesitate to contact a professional roofing company serving Chester County to diligently replace your roof. Call us today! 

Get Your Estimate Today from our certified expert Roofing, Siding & Gutter Contractors!